animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology

Harming embodied subjectivity

Harming embodied subjectivity Relating to Nonhumans on a subjective level would mean for instance: In typical child psychology and childhood sociological terms, kids do relate positively to Nonhuman embodied characters in picture books with toys, etc. > see for a…WeiterlesenHarming embodied subjectivity

Animal Sociology Habitats and Sanctuarism questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification Spezifik von Tierobjektifizierung

What’s the idea behind a necessity to suffer?

Objectifying Nonhumans in terms of normalized exterior surrounding factors and anthropogenic „environments: Phrases using ‚unnecessary‘ cruelty/suffering/killing. And what is necessary cruelty, suffering and killing then? — Objektivierung von Nichtmenschen in Bezug auf normalisierte äußere Umgebungsfaktoren und anthropogene „Umgebungen/Environmente“: Formulierungen, die…WeiterlesenWhat’s the idea behind a necessity to suffer?

animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Rights and Human Rights Animal Sociology

Anthropogenic Philosophies (1)

Segregatives Denken in Bezug auf Geschichtsverständnis (animal sapiens/’oikos’/homos) und > Weltgeschichte > wo beginnt das philosophische Anthropozän und wo würde es enden, beides in philosophischer Hinsicht? ( + Verschiedene widersprüchliche Positionen sind Teil des Dilemmas.) — Segregative thinking in terms…WeiterlesenAnthropogenic Philosophies (1)

animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights animal sapiens Animal Sociology

Naming the Theriocides and Faunacides

You talk about abstract „suffering“ instead of functioning injustice, and normalize the speech of „production“ of individuals, instead that of discussing faunacides, theriocides … as the causa. You want to talk objectively about things unobjective, but don’t notice that your…WeiterlesenNaming the Theriocides and Faunacides

Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights animal sapiens

Talking Animal Rights

Bürgerrechte „ohne reden“? Tierrechte „mit Reden“. Die raffen nicht, dass das geht, oder die wollen das nicht raffen, weil sie die Idee des Tierseins weiterhin, strikt segregierend, ins Reich ihrer Instinktvorstellungen und -theorien verbannen. Kein Tierdenken??? — Civil rights „without…WeiterlesenTalking Animal Rights

animal sapiens Animal Sociology

Qualities of zoomorph expressions (1)

Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 4, Nr. 4, Juni 2023, ISSN 2700-693X Art by Farangis G. Yegane, Text: Gita Yegane Arani (Palang LY) Qualities of zoomorph expressions Humanised animalisation: thoughts on the plush animal toys phenomenon Why are there…WeiterlesenQualities of zoomorph expressions (1)

Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights Animal Sociology Specifics of Animal Objectification

Knowing things, while being undifferentiated

This fragment is contained in > https://farangis.de/reader/edition_farangis_animal_autonomy_reader_2023_1.pdf > Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 4, Nr. 1 (2023) This fragment in German > https://tierrechtsethik.de/hauptsache-undifferenziert-bescheid-wissen/ Knowing things, while being undifferentiated The relegation of “ the main thing is being for the…WeiterlesenKnowing things, while being undifferentiated

animal sapiens Animal Sociology Specifics of Animal Objectification

Looking in a fair way at the level of experience

This fragment is contained in > https://farangis.de/reader/edition_farangis_animal_autonomy_reader_2023_1.pdf > Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 4, Nr. 1 (2023) The fragment in German > https://tierrechtsethik.de/die-erfahrungsebene-gerecht-betrachten/ Looking in a fair way at the level of experience Some people who compare their problems…WeiterlesenLooking in a fair way at the level of experience

Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights environmental ethics Habitats and Sanctuarism opposing all forms of animal objectification Specifics of Animal Objectification

For your Earth?

Usually the people who write/say: „For the Earth“ mean – seeing the same Earth as we do: “let’s relativize and/or ignore the faunacide going on in agriculture, science labs, in hunts, arts and culture, for recreational purposes … legally, practically…WeiterlesenFor your Earth?

Animal Philosophies animal sapiens Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches opposing all forms of animal objectification questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification

Suffering Injustice

So Animal Ethics is okay. Are we ought to keep all the biologisms in Animal Sociology then too? For an antibiologistic, non-segregative and anti-hegemonial sociological approach to Nonhumanity. There is much talk about “Tierleid” (animal suffering) in German these days,…WeiterlesenSuffering Injustice