Als Tierrechtler weiß man um die Niederträchtigkeit vieler Menschen. As an Animal Rights person you know about human vileness. Realizaciones sobre la maldad.WeiterlesenExclamation: Hatred in combination with vileness
Kategorie: Animal Rights and Human Rights
Followerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification “Hi, no infighting”, but a bunch of people rally for closing down animal shelters and bring this argument forth as their academic output from within Animal Rights + Animal Liberation scenes. You may…WeiterlesenFollowerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification
Empathy and Analysis With discussing the suffering we are like a police man who would talk about the harm the murderer has done to the victim. One part of the crime setting but it’s not everything we need to analyse…WeiterlesenEmpathy and Analysis
Segregative approaches Repost from Question about segregative approaches, such as found in the discussion here [accessed 12.10.2023], where conservationist approaches typically stand in conflict with the concepts of animal rights, for a large part by ignoring aspects affecting nonhuman life…WeiterlesenSegregative approaches
Could nonhuman pain ever equal a norm
Could nonhuman pain ever equal a norm Can Animal Friends critique Animal Objectification taking place in the medical field but also put forth the basic fundamental wrong in medical history overall? Who suggests that the reason that Animal Experimentation is…WeiterlesenCould nonhuman pain ever equal a norm
“Animal Liberation – Human Liberation” say the ones who in the next three phrases make either clear that a.) circumstances generally weigh sensitively more when we / if we’d endure what “they” endure, vice versa is a totally different story and…WeiterlesenTotal Liberation and Total Obstacles
Segregatives Denken in Bezug auf Geschichtsverständnis (animal sapiens/’oikos’/homos) und > Weltgeschichte > wo beginnt das philosophische Anthropozän und wo würde es enden, beides in philosophischer Hinsicht? ( + Verschiedene widersprüchliche Positionen sind Teil des Dilemmas.) — Segregative thinking in terms…WeiterlesenAnthropogenic Philosophies (1)
You talk about abstract „suffering“ instead of functioning injustice, and normalize the speech of „production“ of individuals, instead that of discussing faunacides, theriocides … as the causa. You want to talk objectively about things unobjective, but don’t notice that your…WeiterlesenNaming the Theriocides and Faunacides
Bürgerrechte „ohne reden“? Tierrechte „mit Reden“. Die raffen nicht, dass das geht, oder die wollen das nicht raffen, weil sie die Idee des Tierseins weiterhin, strikt segregierend, ins Reich ihrer Instinktvorstellungen und -theorien verbannen. Kein Tierdenken??? — Civil rights „without…WeiterlesenTalking Animal Rights
On a side note: People who use the word „animal production“ to complain about damage to the environment while claiming and acting as defenders of animal rights … employ an animal objectifying rhetoric and undermine animal rights language … I…WeiterlesenTierrechtssprache (1) / Animal Rights Language (1)