Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights animal sapiens Animal Sociology

The driver ought to be that of justice (1)

Translation of that linked excerpt > https://tierrechtsethik.de/tierbefreiung/ Animal liberation: This term is generally regarded as the most emancipatory term in the movement of people who are campaigning for Nonhumans. The problem here is that the physical act of liberation is…WeiterlesenThe driver ought to be that of justice (1)

animal sapiens Animal Sociology la objectification de los animales Tiersoziologie

Narrow concept Species

Das Konzept „Spezies“, der Art also, ist äußerst reduktiv. Man fokussiert unter bestimmten Gesichtspunkten auf bestimmte Gesichtspunkte. Dabei könnte man viel umspannendere Überlegungen zur Auseinandersetzung mit nichtmenschlichen Tieren anstellen, die weitaus komplexer wären. Gruppe Messel Tiersoziologie — The concept of…WeiterlesenNarrow concept Species

Animal Sociology environmental ethics

Antispe and Environmental Concerns

Why don’t people seem to be willing > to be innovative in finding paths to thematize > speciesism / animal objectification where it occurs directly or indirectly. Animal Objectifiers separate Nonhumans from environmental concerns. This permeates basically all aspects of…WeiterlesenAntispe and Environmental Concerns

Age of Reason animal sapiens Animal Sociology

Analogies are basically anti-hierarchical

If anybody ever called for invasive humans (at any point in human history) to be dealt with in the same way as nonhumans are biologistically dealt with, it would mark the point where arguments come in that one species is…WeiterlesenAnalogies are basically anti-hierarchical

Animal Philosophies animal sapiens Animal Sociology

Single Issue vs. Intersectional vs. Real Antispe

Dear proponents of > multiperspectival liberational > approaches: a.) the single-issue people, aren’t even single issue but rather using activism as a proxy for other agendas, consciously or partly consciously b.) the intersectional people aren’t even intersectional since they value…WeiterlesenSingle Issue vs. Intersectional vs. Real Antispe

Age of Reason Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology Animal Thealogies Antispekunst GM pamphlets Zu Tierphilosophien

Ich denke also müsste ich unsichtbar sein

Kartesisches Hide and Seek: ich führe eine unsichtbare Tätigkeit aus (Denken, frei … ), also bin ich. Viel Spaß dabei, dieses Privileg fortdauernd nur der eigenen Spezies zuzuschreiben, qua Biologismus. Das Thema ist natürlich unlustig, wenn man überlegt, wie Descartes…WeiterlesenIch denke also müsste ich unsichtbar sein

animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights Animal Sociology Animal Thealogies

Followerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification

Followerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification “Hi, no infighting”, but a bunch of people rally for closing down animal shelters and bring this argument forth as their academic output from within Animal Rights + Animal Liberation scenes. You may…WeiterlesenFollowerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification

Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology environmental ethics Habitats and Sanctuarism

The Animal Rights Environmental Rights Link

The relation between animal rights and environmental protection / protection of the co-world is not an illusionary niche realm, but rather the most conflict-prone place in which you can politically move as a ‚member of the species Homo sapiens‘. In…WeiterlesenThe Animal Rights Environmental Rights Link

Animal Sociology

Animality and conceptual corners

Why treat nonhuman concerns in assigned fields, instead of debiologizing the typical stances on animality? “Being a human” is still taken as a sociological state, while “nonhuman behaviour” is routinely relegated into the categories of being biologically driven/dominated. – Animality…WeiterlesenAnimality and conceptual corners

Animal Philosophies animal sapiens Animal Sociology


Wer zwischen Gräueltaten an vulnerablen Wesen, die durch Menschen verübt werden, kategorisch und im Grundsatz unterscheidet, der wird diese Unterscheidung vermutlich auch mit aller Konsequenz aufrechthalten wollen. Das beinhaltet: Eine Hierarchisierung von Unrechtsfällen. — Anyone who makes a categorical and…WeiterlesenAtrocities