Age of Reason Allgemein Animal Rights and Human Rights Animal Thealogies Antispekunst Conflicting approaches Mitweltethik questioning terms

Exclamation: Hatred in combination with vileness

Als Tierrechtler weiß man um die Niederträchtigkeit vieler Menschen. As an Animal Rights person you know about human vileness. Realizaciones sobre la maldad.WeiterlesenExclamation: Hatred in combination with vileness

Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches environmental ethics questioning terms

Gemeinschaft / Community and Conflict

In > collective frameworks one might only complain about “the injustice experienced”, by questioning the fundamentals of your frameworks. If we exclude > the social-psychological planes of the „individual’s tyrannis“ [1] > we might just aswell admit our expectancy that…WeiterlesenGemeinschaft / Community and Conflict

Animal Sociology Habitats and Sanctuarism questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification Spezifik von Tierobjektifizierung

What’s the idea behind a necessity to suffer?

Objectifying Nonhumans in terms of normalized exterior surrounding factors and anthropogenic „environments: Phrases using ‚unnecessary‘ cruelty/suffering/killing. And what is necessary cruelty, suffering and killing then? — Objektivierung von Nichtmenschen in Bezug auf normalisierte äußere Umgebungsfaktoren und anthropogene „Umgebungen/Environmente“: Formulierungen, die…WeiterlesenWhat’s the idea behind a necessity to suffer?

Animal Philosophies animal sapiens Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches opposing all forms of animal objectification questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification

Suffering Injustice

So Animal Ethics is okay. Are we ought to keep all the biologisms in Animal Sociology then too? For an antibiologistic, non-segregative and anti-hegemonial sociological approach to Nonhumanity. There is much talk about “Tierleid” (animal suffering) in German these days,…WeiterlesenSuffering Injustice

Age of Reason Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology Communicational Diverstiy questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification

Clashes in Worldviews (1)

Clashes in Wordviews. I was just gonna write about them, then I came across this very vivid example: Here we see a good example of clashing worldviews. If I add our view, we’d even have three differing positions. However the…WeiterlesenClashes in Worldviews (1)

Animal Sociology Communicational Diverstiy Heterogenes Denken language and animal objectifying limitation questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification

Communication Diversity

On an individual or the group level: every ‘one’ […] who communicates should be able to use their ways of communication, their ways to communicate. This must be valid for all cultural terrains. And we must acknowledge – in the…WeiterlesenCommunication Diversity

language and animal objectifying limitation opposing all forms of animal objectification questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification Spezifik von Tierobjektifizierung Tierrechte und Menschenrechte

Speziesismus als spalterischer Akt

Speziesismus als spalterischer Akt An „das Nationale“ anlehnende Rituale d. Tierobjektifizierung. Manche Menschen erleben partizipative Akte von Tierherabsetzung als verbindend; in der Zurschaustellung ihres Speziesismus, wird so – auf ultimative Weise „verbunden“ – Menschen die Meinung ihrer Gegner völlig egal.…WeiterlesenSpeziesismus als spalterischer Akt

Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches environmental ethics language and animal objectifying limitation questioning terms

The layer of respect as preserved for those just like you?

The layer of respect as preserved for those just like you? Fragment and poem, draft 03.02.23 Why does the result of being mainly informed by the natural sciences mean that your environmentalism is void of concepts of empathy, justice, solidarity,…WeiterlesenThe layer of respect as preserved for those just like you?

Animal Sociology commitment and haltung opposing all forms of animal objectification questioning terms

Observation and objectivist claims

Quoting observational data about Animality normally means putting the system over Animal Sapiens. gmWeiterlesenObservation and objectivist claims

Animal Sociology questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification

Fragment: Many forms of speciesism

(نیاز به بازنگری دارد و غیره) Why should speciesism directed against one group of animals be offset against speciesism directed against another group of animals? Examples: horses > classic “farm animals” – “zoo animals” > wild animal species > “farm…WeiterlesenFragment: Many forms of speciesism