Als Tierrechtler weiß man um die Niederträchtigkeit vieler Menschen. As an Animal Rights person you know about human vileness. Realizaciones sobre la maldad.WeiterlesenExclamation: Hatred in combination with vileness
Kategorie: Conflicting approaches
Insisting on our self-assumed and self-defined right as „individuals“ and „living beings“ to stand beyond all clusters, whether left or right. Our group is and remains predominantly happily detached from society. Positive reference > individuals! If left and right were…WeiterlesenAn antispe center of left and right?
In > collective frameworks one might only complain about “the injustice experienced”, by questioning the fundamentals of your frameworks. If we exclude > the social-psychological planes of the „individual’s tyrannis“ [1] > we might just aswell admit our expectancy that…WeiterlesenGemeinschaft / Community and Conflict
Critical Animal Studies activists and their harboring of antisemitic ideas While some Critical Animal Studies activists harboring antisemitic ideas others miss to distance themselves from such rhetorics. Is the Critical Animal Studies bubble aware that probably a huge part of…WeiterlesenCritical Animal Studies activists and their harboring of antisemitic ideas
One should look what a strange term „human ethics“ was if used as a description that would evade the actual reasoning by humans theselves. „Animal ethics“ is obviously being used in that way + it solely thinks of measurements of…WeiterlesenThe active and passive modes of ethics, seriously?
“Animal Liberation – Human Liberation” say the ones who in the next three phrases make either clear that a.) circumstances generally weigh sensitively more when we / if we’d endure what “they” endure, vice versa is a totally different story and…WeiterlesenTotal Liberation and Total Obstacles
Tiersoziologie als Schnittstelle zwischen Tierrechtler:innen und Tieren Wenn sich eine Aussage wie die folgende auf das Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis bezieht, so ist es nur logisch sowohl: 1.) Nichtmenschen statt in biologistische Rahmen zu zwängen in ihrer eigenen Soziologie zu respektieren 2.) Und…WeiterlesenTiersoziologie als Schnittstelle zwischen Tierrechtler:innen und Tieren
Antibiologistic Antispeciesist Animal Sociology: Environment and Nonhuman Animals From: Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 2, Nr. 2, 2020, ISSN 2700-693X, The Anthropocene is the age of faunacides and the ecocide: the lived narratives of nonhuman animals carry the…WeiterlesenEnvironment and Nonhuman Animals
So Animal Ethics is okay. Are we ought to keep all the biologisms in Animal Sociology then too? For an antibiologistic, non-segregative and anti-hegemonial sociological approach to Nonhumanity. There is much talk about “Tierleid” (animal suffering) in German these days,…WeiterlesenSuffering Injustice
Die altruistisch daherkommende Verfügungshoheit der Greenwashing-Technokratiefreunde lässt eine Kluft innerhalb sowohl der Umwelt- als auch der Tierverteidigendenbewegungen erkennbar werden. Auf der einen Seite herrscht die Konzeption, auf der anderen das grundsätzliche Neudenken. — The altruistic appearing authority claimers of the…WeiterlesenSe divide