Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology environmental ethics Habitats and Sanctuarism

The Animal Rights Environmental Rights Link

The relation between animal rights and environmental protection / protection of the co-world is not an illusionary niche realm, but rather the most conflict-prone place in which you can politically move as a ‚member of the species Homo sapiens‘. In…WeiterlesenThe Animal Rights Environmental Rights Link

Animal Rights and Human Rights Conflicting approaches Habitats and Sanctuarism Specifics of Animal Objectification

Total Liberation and Total Obstacles

“Animal Liberation – Human Liberation” say the ones who in the next three phrases make either clear that a.) circumstances generally weigh sensitively more when we / if we’d endure what “they” endure, vice versa is a totally different story and…WeiterlesenTotal Liberation and Total Obstacles

Animal Sociology Habitats and Sanctuarism questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification Spezifik von Tierobjektifizierung

What’s the idea behind a necessity to suffer?

Objectifying Nonhumans in terms of normalized exterior surrounding factors and anthropogenic „environments: Phrases using ‚unnecessary‘ cruelty/suffering/killing. And what is necessary cruelty, suffering and killing then? — Objektivierung von Nichtmenschen in Bezug auf normalisierte äußere Umgebungsfaktoren und anthropogene „Umgebungen/Environmente“: Formulierungen, die…WeiterlesenWhat’s the idea behind a necessity to suffer?

Animal Sociology Habitats and Sanctuarism

Animal Rights Ethical Bird Protection: The Ortolan Bunting or Hortulan

Animal Rights Ethical Bird Protection: The Ortolan Bunting or Hortulan > orgiastic animal objectification / orgiastic speciesism The case of the Ortolan bunting, Hortulan … : Is it about extinction or barbarism? The pitfall of conservation rhetorics is that it…WeiterlesenAnimal Rights Ethical Bird Protection: The Ortolan Bunting or Hortulan

Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches environmental ethics Habitats and Sanctuarism

Environment and Nonhuman Animals

Antibiologistic Antispeciesist Animal Sociology: Environment and Nonhuman Animals From: Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 2, Nr. 2, 2020, ISSN 2700-693X, https://farangis.de/reader/edition_farangis_animal_autonomy_reader_2020_2.pdf The Anthropocene is the age of faunacides and the ecocide: the lived narratives of nonhuman animals carry the…WeiterlesenEnvironment and Nonhuman Animals

Animal Sociology Habitats and Sanctuarism

Paws and Protest

You don’t want analogous comparisons in the extent and dimension of suffering – and especially in the degree of injustice? Then please don’t put your „raised fist“ of protest symbolically next to a raised paw when it comes to the…WeiterlesenPaws and Protest

animal sapiens Habitats and Sanctuarism opposing all forms of animal objectification Specifics of Animal Objectification

Humanised animalisation: the plush animal toys phenomenon

Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 4, Nr. 4, 2023 > https://farangis.de/reader/edition_farangis_animal_autonomy_reader_2023_4.pdf Art by Farangis G. Yegane; Text: Gita Yegane Arani (Palang LY) Qualities of zoomorph expressions Humanised animalisation: thoughts on the plush animal toys phenomenon Why are there so…WeiterlesenHumanised animalisation: the plush animal toys phenomenon

Animal Sociology Habitats and Sanctuarism opposing all forms of animal objectification Specifics of Animal Objectification

A Hippocratic Oath in Veterinary Care

An approach that embraces a consistent palliative care in veterinary medicine will be the way forward from an Animal Rights ethical angle. Tiersoziologie gruppe messelWeiterlesenA Hippocratic Oath in Veterinary Care

Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights environmental ethics Habitats and Sanctuarism opposing all forms of animal objectification Specifics of Animal Objectification

For your Earth?

Usually the people who write/say: „For the Earth“ mean – seeing the same Earth as we do: “let’s relativize and/or ignore the faunacide going on in agriculture, science labs, in hunts, arts and culture, for recreational purposes … legally, practically…WeiterlesenFor your Earth?

Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches environmental ethics Habitats and Sanctuarism Mitweltethik Tiere und Kulturkampf Zu Tierphilosophien

Se divide

Die altruistisch daherkommende Verfügungshoheit der Greenwashing-Technokratiefreunde lässt eine Kluft innerhalb sowohl der Umwelt- als auch der Tierverteidigendenbewegungen erkennbar werden. Auf der einen Seite herrscht die Konzeption, auf der anderen das grundsätzliche Neudenken. — The altruistic appearing authority claimers of the…WeiterlesenSe divide