Followerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification “Hi, no infighting”, but a bunch of people rally for closing down animal shelters and bring this argument forth as their academic output from within Animal Rights + Animal Liberation scenes. You may…WeiterlesenFollowerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification
Kategorie: animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie
Fühlende Wesen sind vulnerable Wesen Animal Sapiens Antispe Sentient beings are vulnerable beings Animal Sapiens AntispeWeiterlesenSentience / Fühlen
Question everything … except hegemonic human rhetorics and everything that emboldens the necessary claims and assumptions needed here. Multi-Issued … cos Nonhumans are being literally isolated in those allround, all-encompassing wvs*, schemes and stratagems gruppe messel * worldviewsWeiterlesenCovert Instrumentalizing Speciesism
Im Speziesismus startet die physische Gewalt mit geistiger Brandstiftung. Kein „Spill-Over-Effekt“, der maßgeblich wäre, bei dem es sich dann anders herum verhielt (erst Gewalt, dann infolge dessen Verächtlichmachung von _____). Beides bewegt sich auf der geschaffenen Parallele. – via Wegegold…WeiterlesenParallelen
Segregative approaches Repost from Question about segregative approaches, such as found in the discussion here [accessed 12.10.2023], where conservationist approaches typically stand in conflict with the concepts of animal rights, for a large part by ignoring aspects affecting nonhuman life…WeiterlesenSegregative approaches
One should look what a strange term „human ethics“ was if used as a description that would evade the actual reasoning by humans theselves. „Animal ethics“ is obviously being used in that way + it solely thinks of measurements of…WeiterlesenThe active and passive modes of ethics, seriously?
What people in animal studies call animal history is usually the history of human disparagement of nonhumans. Analogisms for comparison in matters of human judgment of injustice/imperception of injustice would clarify the difference in perspective. Antibiologistic Animal Sociology, Gruppe MesselWeiterlesenPerspectivities: Animal Sociology and Animal History
Nonhuman and human animal friends are confronted with a one-sided anthropogenic faunacidal war against nonhuman animality and animalness. This one-sided destruction war runs parallel to the ecocidal war, by which Homo sapiens denies the entire animality its natural habitat and…WeiterlesenFaunacide and Ecocide
Tiersoziologie als Schnittstelle zwischen Tierrechtler:innen und Tieren Wenn sich eine Aussage wie die folgende auf das Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis bezieht, so ist es nur logisch sowohl: 1.) Nichtmenschen statt in biologistische Rahmen zu zwängen in ihrer eigenen Soziologie zu respektieren 2.) Und…WeiterlesenTiersoziologie als Schnittstelle zwischen Tierrechtler:innen und Tieren
Harming embodied subjectivity Relating to Nonhumans on a subjective level would mean for instance: In typical child psychology and childhood sociological terms, kids do relate positively to Nonhuman embodied characters in picture books with toys, etc. > see for a…WeiterlesenHarming embodied subjectivity