Age of Reason animal sapiens Animal Sociology

Analogies are basically anti-hierarchical

If anybody ever called for invasive humans (at any point in human history) to be dealt with in the same way as nonhumans are biologistically dealt with, it would mark the point where arguments come in that one species is…WeiterlesenAnalogies are basically anti-hierarchical

Animal Philosophies animal sapiens Animal Sociology

Single Issue vs. Intersectional vs. Real Antispe

Dear proponents of > multiperspectival liberational > approaches: a.) the single-issue people, aren’t even single issue but rather using activism as a proxy for other agendas, consciously or partly consciously b.) the intersectional people aren’t even intersectional since they value…WeiterlesenSingle Issue vs. Intersectional vs. Real Antispe

Age of Reason Heterogenes Denken

The lesser credible allies

The lesser credible allies Immer schauen, warum und wie Leute jemanden und eine Sache verteidigen oder für sie einzustehen meinen. Werden Motivation dahinter als fragwürdig erkennbar, dann trenne a.) Themen stets von irgendwelchen Proponenten, und b.) kontextualisiere alles im Rahmen…WeiterlesenThe lesser credible allies

Age of Reason

Equalizer, poem (1)

The red soil equalizer notes: Who cares about „what“ or even „who“ you people are: As long as the world is full of speciesism, you get speciesist actions in all imaginable and non-imaginable forms, on any level at any place…WeiterlesenEqualizer, poem (1)

animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights Animal Sociology Animal Thealogies

Followerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification

Followerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification Hi no infighting, but a bunch of people rally for closing down animal shelters and bring this argument forth as their academic output from within Animal Rights + Animal Liberation scenes. You may…WeiterlesenFollowerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification

Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology environmental ethics Habitats and Sanctuarism

The Animal Rights Environmental Rights Link

The relation between animal rights and environmental protection / protection of the co-world is not an illusionary niche realm, but rather the most conflict-prone place in which you can politically move as a ‚member of the species Homo sapiens‘. In…WeiterlesenThe Animal Rights Environmental Rights Link

Antispekunst Tiersoziologie Zu Tierphilosophien

C. 勒 und Tschördy zur Anregung für Mitstreiter*innen

Bildschriften, Vignetten von C. 勒 C. 勒 und Tschördy zur Anregung für Mitstreiter*innen zur Etablierung mehr digitaler inklusiver Werkräume um Aktivismus Ausdruck zu verleihen und die eigenen Rechte im gleichen Zuge stärker einzufordern. Wir schreiben nun unseren ersten gemeinsamen Beitrag über…WeiterlesenC. 勒 und Tschördy zur Anregung für Mitstreiter*innen

animal sapiens Animal Sociology Animal Thealogies Communicational Diverstiy Conflicting approaches

An antispe center of left and right?

Insisting on our self-assumed and self-defined right as „individuals“ and „living beings“ to stand beyond all clusters, whether left or right. Our group is and remains predominantly happily detached from society. Positive reference > individuals! If left and right were…WeiterlesenAn antispe center of left and right?

animal sapiens Animal Sociology Heterogenes Denken Zu Tierphilosophien

The abbreviated view of Animal Rights is agenda driven

The abbreviated view of Animal Rights is agenda driven Those agendas that suppose AR was intrinsically “single issue” as a topic in itself: Logically it will not work out if you seek to impose > your single agenda  > onto…WeiterlesenThe abbreviated view of Animal Rights is agenda driven

Tiersoziologie Zu Tierphilosophien

Neudenken (1)

„Neudenken“ muss man eigentlich nur beim Antispeziesismus, aber dies auch nur, wenn man diesen in der weitestmöglichen Unabhängigkeit von den üblichen dominierenden Kategorisierungsmodellen denkt.WeiterlesenNeudenken (1)