Das Autodestruktive auf der > Speziesebene ist nicht nur nicht-irgendwie-zu-verhindern (…) es ist auch tröstlich – eine Logik, die unumstößlich moralischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten folgt, die jenseits der hier geltenden Paradigmen wirken. — Zoologie — The autodestructive on the > species level…WeiterlesenDas Autodestruktive
Schlagwort: perspectival outlooks
Dear proponents of > multiperspectival liberational > approaches: a.) the single-issue people, aren’t even single issue but rather using activism as a proxy for other agendas, consciously or partly consciously b.) the intersectional people aren’t even intersectional since they value…WeiterlesenSingle Issue vs. Intersectional vs. Real Antispe
Question everything … except hegemonic human rhetorics and everything that emboldens the necessary claims and assumptions needed here. Multi-Issued … cos Nonhumans are being literally isolated in those allround, all-encompassing wvs*, schemes and stratagems gruppe messel * worldviewsWeiterlesenCovert Instrumentalizing Speciesism
In > collective frameworks one might only complain about “the injustice experienced”, by questioning the fundamentals of your frameworks. If we exclude > the social-psychological planes of the „individual’s tyrannis“ [1] > we might just aswell admit our expectancy that…WeiterlesenGemeinschaft / Community and Conflict
Critical Animal Studies activists and their harboring of antisemitic ideas While some Critical Animal Studies activists harboring antisemitic ideas others miss to distance themselves from such rhetorics. Is the Critical Animal Studies bubble aware that probably a huge part of…WeiterlesenCritical Animal Studies activists and their harboring of antisemitic ideas
The broader picture
A comment about > Christopher Sebastian McJetters: Exploring Connections between Black Liberation & Animal Liberation > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_ebX07H4wM [accessed 06.09.2023] What about völkisch structures and american whites and non-whites collaborating with them for instance. This a regional subform of concepts (or…WeiterlesenThe broader picture
Infighting in what Human Rights issues? Talking about „Total Liberation“ while supporting drive-by media formats > anno 2023. It’s simply not enough these days to say: hey I’m a POC! If you side for instance with political groups that oppress…WeiterlesenWhy there is no thing such an „infighting“
Harming embodied subjectivity Relating to Nonhumans on a subjective level would mean for instance: In typical child psychology and childhood sociological terms, kids do relate positively to Nonhuman embodied characters in picture books with toys, etc. > see for a…WeiterlesenHarming embodied subjectivity
Antibiologistic Antispeciesist Animal Sociology: Environment and Nonhuman Animals From: Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 2, Nr. 2, 2020, ISSN 2700-693X, https://farangis.de/reader/edition_farangis_animal_autonomy_reader_2020_2.pdf The Anthropocene is the age of faunacides and the ecocide: the lived narratives of nonhuman animals carry the…WeiterlesenEnvironment and Nonhuman Animals
Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 4, Nr. 4, 2023 > https://farangis.de/reader/edition_farangis_animal_autonomy_reader_2023_4.pdf Art by Farangis G. Yegane; Text: Gita Yegane Arani (Palang LY) Qualities of zoomorph expressions Humanised animalisation: thoughts on the plush animal toys phenomenon Why are there so…WeiterlesenHumanised animalisation: the plush animal toys phenomenon