animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Philosophies Animal Rights and Human Rights Animal Sociology Animal Thealogies

Followerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification

Followerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification Hi no infighting, but a bunch of people rally for closing down animal shelters and bring this argument forth as their academic output from within Animal Rights + Animal Liberation scenes. You may…WeiterlesenFollowerism and no infighting against Animal Objectification

animal sapiens Animal Thealogies Baumschutz Kulturindustrie und Kulturrezeption Mitweltethik Spezifik von Tierobjektifizierung Tiere und Kulturkampf Tiersoziologie Zu Tierphilosophien

Ästhetik zum Zersetzen

(Die Reformbewegung Teils verboten, teils Buhmann in ihrer Zuordnung. Die Familie meines Lieblingsarztes war stark in den Anfängen der Bewegung engagiert. Mein Arzt erzählte mir spannendes über die Geschichte. Der Vegetarismus wurde zum kulturellen Berührungspunkt für manche.) „Sozialer“ Humor und…WeiterlesenÄsthetik zum Zersetzen

animal sapiens Animal Sociology Animal Thealogies Communicational Diverstiy Conflicting approaches

An antispe center of left and right?

Insisting on our self-assumed and self-defined right as „individuals“ and „living beings“ to stand beyond all clusters, whether left or right. Our group is and remains predominantly happily detached from society. Positive reference > individuals! If left and right were…WeiterlesenAn antispe center of left and right?

Animal Thealogies

Animal Spirituality in own open terms

Ein Auftakt: Why Animal sprituality and wisdom – or these thing in Animal terms – matters, and shows that we as humans have am open concept of spirituality that does not simply locate understanding as a phenomenon in our notions…WeiterlesenAnimal Spirituality in own open terms