One should look what a strange term „human ethics“ was if used as a description that would evade the actual reasoning by humans theselves. „Animal ethics“ is obviously being used in that way + it solely thinks of measurements of…WeiterlesenThe active and passive modes of ethics, seriously?
Kategorie: language and animal objectifying limitation
When people pretend to speak in the the voices of their companion animals. What’s going wrong there? Disenfranchisement. Where does the speaker/ventriloquist place him- or herself? People legitimate a lot of things with assuming they can be the subsitute thinkers…WeiterlesenHow people might reflect the others
draft 04.03.23 The Nature/Human-Dichotomies and Animal ethicists? ¿Dicotomías naturaleza/humano y ética animal? Die Natur/Mensch-Dichotomien und Tierethiker*innen? The Nature/Human-Dichotomies and Animal ethicists? Animal ethicists who begin their texts with an emphasis on the nature/human dichotomy, so that the reader knows there…WeiterlesenThe Nature/Human-Dichotomies and Animal ethicists?
Fragment in EN/DE/ES Specifics of animal objectification: the reification as … Some people tend to humiliate nonhumans by an addition of means of ridiculing and making conscious ‘fun’ of the wares/items/commodities/chattel that is physically being generated from the factual bodily…WeiterlesenSpecifics of animal objectification: the reification as … (en/de/es)
Specifics of Animal Objectification: Food, Physis, History [Rev. 27.02.23] Fragments: Specifics of speciesism Where intersections turn crossroads: shared factors of oppressive functions, separating markers. Seeing what makes each case unique might help putting the puzzles together. >> If you keep…WeiterlesenSpecifics of Animal Objectification: Food, Physis, History
Zoologie vs. Anthropologie, Ökologie Ist der Begriff „Zoos“ zu biologisiert konnotiert? Oikos u. selbst Umwelt u. ja auch Natur sind belastete Begriffe. Zoozid / meinetwegen Faunazid, aber bitte Tiermorde nicht gegenüber der Destruktivität an der Natur u. am Menschen kleinreden.…WeiterlesenHow do you call the Faunacides?
On an individual or the group level: every ‘one’ […] who communicates should be able to use their ways of communication, their ways to communicate. This must be valid for all cultural terrains. And we must acknowledge – in the…WeiterlesenCommunication Diversity
Speziesismus als spalterischer Akt An „das Nationale“ anlehnende Rituale d. Tierobjektifizierung. Manche Menschen erleben partizipative Akte von Tierherabsetzung als verbindend; in der Zurschaustellung ihres Speziesismus, wird so – auf ultimative Weise „verbunden“ – Menschen die Meinung ihrer Gegner völlig egal.…WeiterlesenSpeziesismus als spalterischer Akt
The layer of respect as preserved for those just like you? Fragment and poem, draft 03.02.23 Why does the result of being mainly informed by the natural sciences mean that your environmentalism is void of concepts of empathy, justice, solidarity,…WeiterlesenThe layer of respect as preserved for those just like you?