This fragment is contained in > > Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 4, Nr. 1 (2023) The fragment in German > Looking in a fair way at the level of experience Some people who compare their problems…WeiterlesenLooking in a fair way at the level of experience
Kategorie: Specifics of Animal Objectification
An approach that embraces a consistent palliative care in veterinary medicine will be the way forward from an Animal Rights ethical angle. Tiersoziologie gruppe messelWeiterlesenA Hippocratic Oath in Veterinary Care
Usually the people who write/say: „For the Earth“ mean – seeing the same Earth as we do: “let’s relativize and/or ignore the faunacide going on in agriculture, science labs, in hunts, arts and culture, for recreational purposes … legally, practically…WeiterlesenFor your Earth?
So Animal Ethics is okay. Are we ought to keep all the biologisms in Animal Sociology then too? For an antibiologistic, non-segregative and anti-hegemonial sociological approach to Nonhumanity. There is much talk about “Tierleid” (animal suffering) in German these days,…WeiterlesenSuffering Injustice
Clashes in Wordviews. I was just gonna write about them, then I came across this very vivid example: Here we see a good example of clashing worldviews. If I add our view, we’d even have three differing positions. However the…WeiterlesenClashes in Worldviews (1)
draft 04.03.23 The Nature/Human-Dichotomies and Animal ethicists? ¿Dicotomías naturaleza/humano y ética animal? Die Natur/Mensch-Dichotomien und Tierethiker*innen? The Nature/Human-Dichotomies and Animal ethicists? Animal ethicists who begin their texts with an emphasis on the nature/human dichotomy, so that the reader knows there…WeiterlesenThe Nature/Human-Dichotomies and Animal ethicists?
Fragment in EN/DE/ES Specifics of animal objectification: the reification as … Some people tend to humiliate nonhumans by an addition of means of ridiculing and making conscious ‘fun’ of the wares/items/commodities/chattel that is physically being generated from the factual bodily…WeiterlesenSpecifics of animal objectification: the reification as … (en/de/es)
Specifics of Animal Objectification: Food, Physis, History [Rev. 27.02.23] Fragments: Specifics of speciesism Where intersections turn crossroads: shared factors of oppressive functions, separating markers. Seeing what makes each case unique might help putting the puzzles together. >> If you keep…WeiterlesenSpecifics of Animal Objectification: Food, Physis, History
On an individual or the group level: every ‘one’ […] who communicates should be able to use their ways of communication, their ways to communicate. This must be valid for all cultural terrains. And we must acknowledge – in the…WeiterlesenCommunication Diversity
Speziesismus als spalterischer Akt An „das Nationale“ anlehnende Rituale d. Tierobjektifizierung. Manche Menschen erleben partizipative Akte von Tierherabsetzung als verbindend; in der Zurschaustellung ihres Speziesismus, wird so – auf ultimative Weise „verbunden“ – Menschen die Meinung ihrer Gegner völlig egal.…WeiterlesenSpeziesismus als spalterischer Akt