Biologistic (seclusionist and hegemonial) reductionism marks the most typical discriminatory approach to Nonhumans today. Animal SociologyWeiterlesenHow negation of Nonhumans functions
Kategorie: Specifics of Animal Objectification
(نیاز به بازنگری دارد و غیره) Why should speciesism directed against one group of animals be offset against speciesism directed against another group of animals? Examples: horses > classic “farm animals” – “zoo animals” > wild animal species > “farm…WeiterlesenFragment: Many forms of speciesism
If you are not willing to put the puzzle of the objectification of Nonhumans or Speciesism together, then why do you pretentiously state you’d understand the deconstruction of any other -ism or any other form of human oppression? You obviously…WeiterlesenWhat makes up Speciesism
Some people are either: so deeply entangled in biologistic speciesism, that they presume a critique of „biologism“ entails a categoric rejection of biology as one scientific perspective of organic existence, or they are so racist, that they think a perhaps…WeiterlesenBiology and Biologism
Social Animal Portrayals: Today’s environmentalism tends to reduce nonhuman animals to the calculability of a pictogram. The questions raised by nonhuman animal issues are dealt with as a concern of ecological biopolitics. What goes beyond the mutual symbioses of flora…WeiterlesenSocial Animal Portrayals (1)
Killing and Loving Animality simultaneously is considered a very human thing. The problem being: they kill and “love” them at the same time. > the Rabbits, the Horses, the Piglets, the Calves, the Emus … Animal objectification and animal-derogative biologism…WeiterlesenKilling and Loving Animality (1)
Speciesism and spectacle: The display of a speciesist act of harming or killing, to desensitize onlookers – lessons in ‘human might’ — draft 02 12 22 The nofun facts about (technical and self-declared) “vegans“ where I live: a not inconsiderable…WeiterlesenSpeciesism in Art and Veganism (1)
Thinking and sense-giving and sense-perception No, you do not accept a radical multiplicity in being. For you there is only one being that thinks. You do not locate thinking in any other being. At what boundary do you determine when…WeiterlesenThinking and Objectification