Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches opposing all forms of animal objectification

Antispeciesism is here

[…] they do that because they felt speciesism would stay a marginalized subject and that human hybris would not be put in context with anthropogenic destructivity. Also, in this case, an analogy shows the psychology of “movements”: Imagine you’d be…WeiterlesenAntispeciesism is here

Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches opposing all forms of animal objectification similarities Specifics of Animal Objectification

What makes up Speciesism

If you are not willing to put the puzzle of the objectification of Nonhumans or Speciesism together, then why do you pretentiously state you’d understand the deconstruction of any other -ism or any other form of human oppression? You obviously…WeiterlesenWhat makes up Speciesism

animal sapiens Animal Sociology environmental ethics opposing all forms of animal objectification Specifics of Animal Objectification

Social Animal Portrayals (1)

Social Animal Portrayals: Today’s environmentalism tends to reduce nonhuman animals to the calculability of a pictogram. The questions raised by nonhuman animal issues are dealt with as a concern of ecological biopolitics. What goes beyond the mutual symbioses of flora…WeiterlesenSocial Animal Portrayals (1)

commitment and haltung Ethisches Paradoxon opposing all forms of animal objectification Spezifik von Tierobjektifizierung Tiere und Kulturkampf Tierrechte und Menschenrechte vegane soziologie

Antispe und Kunst, klappt nicht bei einigen Veganer*innen

Tierobjektifizierung und Spektakel Die Zurschaustellung einer tierobjektifizierenden Handlung in der verletzt oder getötet wird, um Betrachter zu desensibilisieren – als Lektion ‚menschlicher Macht‘. — Vegane Soziologie und Speziesismus in der Kunst Die Nofun-Fakten über (technische und selbsterklärte) „Veganer*innen“. Wo ich…WeiterlesenAntispe und Kunst, klappt nicht bei einigen Veganer*innen

opposing all forms of animal objectification Specifics of Animal Objectification vegan sociology and ethos

Speciesism in Art and Veganism (1)

Speciesism and spectacle: The display of a speciesist act of harming or killing, to desensitize onlookers – lessons in ‘human might’ — draft 02 12 22 The nofun facts about (technical and self-declared) “vegans“ where I live: a not inconsiderable…WeiterlesenSpeciesism in Art and Veganism (1)

animal sapiens opposing all forms of animal objectification

Antidiscriminatory Animal Sociology (1)

A socially just sociology means implying antidiscriminatory animal sociology. The levels of interaction between all subjects and all varying subjectivity need to be focused. antidiskriminatorische Tiersoziologie https://www.simorgh.de/objects/antidiscriminatory-animal-sociology-1/WeiterlesenAntidiscriminatory Animal Sociology (1)

animal sapiens opposing all forms of animal objectification

Sentientismus und Tiersoziologie

Welche Art von unverbundener Empfindsamkeit gestehen wir nichtmenschlichen Tieren zu, die (noch immer) ein volles, ein Gesamtspektrum sozialer und ökosozialer Wechselseitigkeit übersieht? Die soziale Skala, die wir bei nichtmenschlichen Tieren tolerieren, ist die Darwins die des eingebrannten Determinismus – als…WeiterlesenSentientismus und Tiersoziologie

animal sapiens opposing all forms of animal objectification questioning terms

Opposing all Forms of Animal Objectification

Why we step back from the Speciesism/Antispeciesism paradigm and focus on levels of Animal Objectification instead, which we think reaches deeper in the perspectivical-based ethical problem that we are dealing with in the Animal Rights / Human Rights interfaces: On…WeiterlesenOpposing all Forms of Animal Objectification