Animal Philosophies

So there is a single source of all evils in the world?

When „all cultures“ unite behind a single simple pattern we are getting close a „closed belief system“ story: So there is a single source of all evils in the world? To the Total Liberation Movement: what kind of human activities…WeiterlesenSo there is a single source of all evils in the world?


Why there is no thing such an „infighting“

Infighting in what Human Rights issues? Talking about „Total Liberation“ while supporting drive-by media formats > anno 2023. It’s simply not enough these days to say: hey I’m a POC! If you side for instance with political groups that oppress…WeiterlesenWhy there is no thing such an „infighting“

animal sapiens Spezifik von Tierobjektifizierung Tiere und Kulturkampf Tierobjektifizierung und menschliche beschwoerungsartige Taktiken Tiersoziologie Zu Tierphilosophien

Tierobjektifizierung und Tod

Tierobjektifizierung und Tod: Die Absicht jedes Tiermordes ist Beherrschbarkeit. Der Tod als jeder menschlichen Logik sich entziehender Zustand bleibt aber die totale Unbeherrschbarkeit, ganz gleich wie traumatisch der Mörder seine Taten „gestaltet“.WeiterlesenTierobjektifizierung und Tod

Animal Sociology Specifics of Animal Objectification

Factory Killings, Pastoral Killings

Factory farming is the animal objectifying euphemism for the collectivistically sanctioned institutionalized factory killing as one of the main components of the ongoing faunacides. Humane farming is a euphemism for a normalized pastoral animal objectification – the ideological pillar on…WeiterlesenFactory Killings, Pastoral Killings

Animal Sociology

Making Anti-Speciesism itself a subject (repost)

Minimally revised / corrected repost of: Anti-Speciesism, another angle Thursday, August 1, 2013 by raven FRAGMENT Making Anti-Speciesism itself a subject We rightly want to ask people to do more than donate money to animal advocacy groups. We rather hope that people make others…WeiterlesenMaking Anti-Speciesism itself a subject (repost)

antibiologística Sociología animal la objectification de los animales language and animal objectifying limitation opposing all forms of animal objectification Specifics of Animal Objectification Tiersoziologie

How people might reflect the others

When people pretend to speak in the the voices of their companion animals. What’s going wrong there? Disenfranchisement. Where does the speaker/ventriloquist place him- or herself? People legitimate a lot of things with assuming they can be the subsitute thinkers…WeiterlesenHow people might reflect the others

animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Philosophies Animal Sociology

Harming embodied subjectivity

Harming embodied subjectivity Relating to Nonhumans on a subjective level would mean for instance: In typical child psychology and childhood sociological terms, kids do relate positively to Nonhuman embodied characters in picture books with toys, etc. > see for a…WeiterlesenHarming embodied subjectivity

animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Philosophies animal sapiens Animal Sociology antibiologística Sociología animal la objectification de los animales

Anthropogenic Philosophies (2)

Sagen wird’s mal so, sowohl der ethisch-philosophische Freibrief zur Zerstörung von beidem: der ’natürlichen‘ Mitwelt als Ganzem, als auch spezifisch der Tierheit, beginnen schlüssigerweise im gleichen Zuge wie die Empfehlungen, beides zu vermeiden. Schlichtweg weil wir beides lediglich mit unserem…WeiterlesenAnthropogenic Philosophies (2)

Animal Sociology Habitats and Sanctuarism questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification Spezifik von Tierobjektifizierung

What’s the idea behind a necessity to suffer?

Objectifying Nonhumans in terms of normalized exterior surrounding factors and anthropogenic „environments: Phrases using ‚unnecessary‘ cruelty/suffering/killing. And what is necessary cruelty, suffering and killing then? — Objektivierung von Nichtmenschen in Bezug auf normalisierte äußere Umgebungsfaktoren und anthropogene „Umgebungen/Environmente“: Formulierungen, die…WeiterlesenWhat’s the idea behind a necessity to suffer?

animal objectifying normalcy in academia and the kulturindustrie Animal Rights and Human Rights Animal Sociology

Anthropogenic Philosophies (1)

Segregatives Denken in Bezug auf Geschichtsverständnis (animal sapiens/’oikos’/homos) und > Weltgeschichte > wo beginnt das philosophische Anthropozän und wo würde es enden, beides in philosophischer Hinsicht? ( + Verschiedene widersprüchliche Positionen sind Teil des Dilemmas.) — Segregative thinking in terms…WeiterlesenAnthropogenic Philosophies (1)