Animal Sociology commitment and haltung opposing all forms of animal objectification questioning terms

Observation and objectivist claims

Quoting observational data about Animality normally means putting the system over Animal Sapiens. gmWeiterlesenObservation and objectivist claims

animal sapiens Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches similarities Specifics of Animal Objectification

How negation of Nonhumans functions

Biologistic (seclusionist and hegemonial) reductionism marks the most typical discriminatory approach to Nonhumans today. Animal SociologyWeiterlesenHow negation of Nonhumans functions

Animal Sociology questioning terms Specifics of Animal Objectification

Fragment: Many forms of speciesism

(نیاز به بازنگری دارد و غیره) Why should speciesism directed against one group of animals be offset against speciesism directed against another group of animals? Examples: horses > classic “farm animals” – “zoo animals” > wild animal species > “farm…WeiterlesenFragment: Many forms of speciesism

Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches opposing all forms of animal objectification

Antispeciesism is here

[…] they do that because they felt speciesism would stay a marginalized subject and that human hybris would not be put in context with anthropogenic destructivity. Also, in this case, an analogy shows the psychology of “movements”: Imagine you’d be…WeiterlesenAntispeciesism is here

animal sapiens Animal Sociology Specifics of Animal Objectification

Biology and Biologism

Some people are either: so deeply entangled in biologistic speciesism, that they presume a critique of „biologism“ entails a categoric rejection of biology as one scientific perspective of organic existence, or they are so racist, that they think a perhaps…WeiterlesenBiology and Biologism

animal sapiens Animal Sociology environmental ethics opposing all forms of animal objectification Specifics of Animal Objectification

Social Animal Portrayals (1)

Social Animal Portrayals: Today’s environmentalism tends to reduce nonhuman animals to the calculability of a pictogram. The questions raised by nonhuman animal issues are dealt with as a concern of ecological biopolitics. What goes beyond the mutual symbioses of flora…WeiterlesenSocial Animal Portrayals (1)

Animal Sociology Conflicting approaches vegan sociology and ethos

The sadder sides of progress

draft 10.01.2023 The sadder sides of progress We have a basically sad theory: Being vegetarian obviously didn’t imply that people were ethically „awake“ about nonhuman rights issues, hence veganism emerged from vegetarianism, with the expressed goal to cover more interests…WeiterlesenThe sadder sides of progress

animal sapiens Animal Sociology

Justice together with Animals

Seeking justice isn’t an altruistic action. Justice for Nonhumans lays an interest in the principle of meaningful co-existence. Foremostly it’s a mutual enterprise, a mutual necessity and a mutual direct and powerfully contextualizable gain. Gruppe MesselWeiterlesenJustice together with Animals

animal sapiens Ethisches Paradoxon Heterogenes Denken Specifics of Animal Objectification

Killing and Loving Animality (1)

Killing and Loving Animality simultaneously is considered a very human thing. The problem being: they kill and “love” them at the same time. > the Rabbits, the Horses, the Piglets, the Calves, the Emus … Animal objectification and animal-derogative biologism…WeiterlesenKilling and Loving Animality (1)